Welcome to BestPennyAuctions.net, an up to date directory of the best online penny auction sites. Our primary goal is to sort and list the top online penny auctions into categories to help you find the best online penny auction site that is safe, trusted, honest and offers a fair bidding experience. Updated for 2022

If you are ready to get started at the top online penny auctions, choose from our top list of the best penny auctions online.

Top Penny Auctions

I can only recommend one penny auction in 2022. I would not spend my money elsewhere.

About Online Penny Auctions & Top Penny Auction Sites

Penny auctions are a game, a very competitive game. It is you vs every one else who is bidding or thinking of bidding on a particular auction. You can win or lose money at this game.

There are winning strategies and winning styles you can use to give yourself better chances to win including the psychological aspect of this game, which in many aspects is very similar to poker. Tips, advice and bidding strategies are linked throughout this site.

Penny auction websites began their rise in popularity in the second half of 2010. They were booming in 2011 and 2012. They matured in the later half of 2013.

Today in 2020 there are only a very small number of legit penny bidding sites worthy of your business.

If you want to get started, read over our  high quality penny auction strategy articles. Read through the different articles available and find ideas behind winning at penny auctions.

Many articles come from a winning poker player who applied some of the concepts to penny auctions. Since penny auctions are a psychological game of you vs other people a lot of the tactics apply to both games.

Your long term penny auction goal is to win as much value as possible with as few bids spent as possible.

To accomplish this you have to develop effective strategies that help you win more while bidding less.

Read these list of penny auction tips before you begin playing and maximize your chances of getting incredible deals instead of losing money and not winning anything at all.

How Penny Auctions Work

Penny auctions are not as simple as seeing a $50 gift card on sale for $2.31 and saying well I would pay that for a $50 card, I will bid and buy that now or get out bid and have not lost anything. Penny bidding sites do not work that way. The truth of the matter is that you can lose money and if you do not know how the penny auctions work it is almost guaranteed that you will lose money!

Penny auctions use a pay per bid model. This means that it costs you money each time you place a bid on something whether you win the auction or not while increasing the auction price of the item by 1 penny. A classic brinkmanship game, pushing dangerous events to the verge of disaster in order to achieve the most advantageous outcome which is in this case that your opposition stops bidding against you in an auction and you win. They are a psychological battle of wills.

If you place a bid in an auction and end up not winning it then you have spent and lost money.

Before you get started playing penny auctions, be sure and read our beginners penny auction guide to learn how penny auctions work. Make an informed choice before spending your money. Our beginners guide will give you the penny auction basics before you start burning those bids!

Penny Auction Site Reviews

In addition to our penny auction top lists we also review the top penny auction sites. Included with our editorial reviews we have a growing number of user submitted ratings and comments.  Our reviews include information about each penny auction site including:

  • official website address
  • their phone number
  • their logo
  • bonuses and current promotions
  • average cost of bids
  • the sites pro’s & con’s
  • general product offerings
  • shipping details
  • features
  • user reviews
  • user ratings

To find the best penny auction site for you, visit the sites listed in our penny auction reviews and see real bidder ratings of the top penny bidding sites on the web.

Best Penny Auctions By Category – 2022

I keep my list of penny auction sites extremely short. If you are new to the world of online penny auctions or if you have been burned by scam penny bidding sites before then we recommend you stick to one of the penny auction sites listed on this website. There have been countless scams throughout the history of penny auctions so by all means make sure that the penny site you are about to buy bids on has a positive reputation in the penny auction world.

If you are ready to try your luck at an online penny auction site, choose one from our top penny auction list and good luck in the auctions!  You can find more helpful penny auction articles below.

We wish you good luck bidding and we hope you win some amazing deals!

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