penny auctions ipadThe elusive iPad is the one penny auction item that has been my main Achilles heel in my penny auction career is the iPad.

I want to win an iPad 2 at a penny auction site. I have been researching the different sites out there and believe that I have found the best penny auction site for ipads, meaning the site that you are most likely to win one at. The auctions for the ipad themselves is less frequent than the big sites like Bidrivals and Beezid but the auction itself for an iPad seems to be about the best shot I can find right now. I’m sure over time that will change as the items up for auction rotate in and out on the different sites, but for now I’m going to try and win an iPad on HappyBidDay.

My Strategies to Win

I’m debating two major strategies at the moment regarding winning the iPad II in a penny auction.

  • Win an iPad in an auction straight out
  • Win gift cards to cover the purchase price. I’ve set my target at $600 in gift cards winnings

Winning an iPad straight out is more challenging and something I have not done. Where as winning a gift card is about the easiest item to win at some of the big and medium sized penny bidding sites like Bidrivals and RagingBid.

Penny auction battles for iPads are often fierce, long drawn out affairs that are flat out HARD to win.

I like the idea of going after gift cards because even if i set a budget of $300 worth of bids I am extremely likely to win back at least some if not all of that amount in gift card penny auctions that I win. Where as if I spend $300 in bids and use them all in an iPad 2 penny auction battle that I lose then I am out the whole bundle.

I could also go after other items that I could sell, trade or barter with someone for an iPad, which is not a bad idea.

On the flip side, it is possible to use the $300 worth of bids building up a bid bank and going to battle for the iPad this way as well or buying $300 worth of bids and trying to win it outright.

I believe I am going to try and avoid the big penny sites like BidRivals, Bidcactus, Skoreit and Beezid (use our beezid promo code for max sign-up bids) when going for the iPad penny auction itself and instead stick to the smaller sites. I know I will go up against some of their power bidders in the process but with patience and well timed aggression, combined with my other strategies should help me pull off a victory.

I am planning plenty of time for this mission. I want to win one by Christmas of 2011 and patience is a virtue when it comes to winning penny auctions. I know that is not the most exciting thing to hear but that is my time line. I want to give myself plenty of time to pick and choose my auctions and try to win one cheaply.

Wish me luck in my attempt to win one of the most competitive items up for grabs at the legit bidding sites, the iPad.

Hardest items to win in a Penny Auction

  • iPads – our #1 most difficult auction to win overall
  • High end cameras – Never an easy win
  • High $$ gift cards – Power bidders hoooooooo!
  • Macbooks

What say you, what are the hardest items to win in a penny auction?

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