List of Penny Auction Sites To Win Video Games and Consoles

Video GamesIf you are trying to get a great deal on a video game system like an xbox and are considering penny auctions in your strategy to buy one, then this page will help you find the best penny auction site to win different video game systems. I’ve looked into a the trusted penny auctions with video game systems to find the ones with the best offers and that I felt gave me the best chance to buy one at a big discount.  This page will give you an overview of the best penny auction sites to win popular video game systems like the xbox 360, PS3, and Wii.  If you are a newbie to penny auctions check out our how penny auctions work page first. Otherwise check out the best video game penny auction sites below.

Best xbox 360 penny auction sites:
Xbox 360’s are offered at a handful of reputable penny auction sites. Click here for our top rated xbox penny auction site..

  • Quibids – This site has a large volume of xbox 360 consoles, games and accessories to bid on every day. Probably more than any of the other bidding sites. Not surprising since Quibids is the largest penny auction site in existence
  • HappyBidday – has an offer for 50 FREE bids when you register, their xbox auctions end for an average of $8.00, and though their shipping costs are approximately $16.99 they make up for it in their return poicy: being willing to refund the price AND shipping of the item if returned within 14 days.
  • Beezid – is competitive with their pricing and looks to keep their shipping costs low
  • Bidcactus – offers a great opportunity for promotions as well as a full refund within 7 days of purchase.
  • BidRivals – Games and systems up for bid daily. Bidding is competitive but if you are patient and aggressive you can pick up an x box cheap in a penny auction at Bid Rivals.

From the trusted sites listed here, we researched the best penny auction site to win an xbox. For the most auction selection you can not go wrong at Quibids and or HappyBidday. Quibids offers buy it now options on their auctions and they both are legit sites. All in all, the entire lot of penny auction sites listed here offered up xbox systems and or games at some point. I believe your safest way to win an xbox is at Quibids due to their buy it now feature. A more risky chance to win an xbox system outright in auction probably lies at HappyBidDay as the site is smaller and while the competition can be tough, you can find ways to win here.

Best Penny Auction To win a Nintendo Wii check out:

  • Beezid – sometimes offers a Wii Bundle in a Beginner Auction! – This is huge and probably your absolute best chance to win a Wii. Beginner auctions, called cherry auctions at Beezid, are only open to bidders who have never won before. A few times per week, roughly, they have had a Cherry Auction for Nintendo Wii Bundle. This is one of the only penny sites we know with a Wii in a beginner only auction!
  • Happybidday – their summer promo rocks!  For every bid in 1cent bids you get a free bid in return!  They are also selling their Wii’s at an average price of $4.00.
  • Beezid – has successfully sold a Wii for a mere 31 cents!  However they generally sell around the $6.00 mark.

You could win a nintendo Wii in a penny auction at some of the top rated sites such as bidcactus, beezid, and happybidday.  After researching the best penny auction to win a Wii at I have concluded that Happybidday is the best choice. If you want to bid to win Nintendo Wii for a low price check out Happybidday.  Happybidday is my #1 because they offer an average selling price of $4.00, their delivery costs are low, and their return policy is consumer friendly.

Top Penny Auction Site with Sony PlayStation 3 auctions:

  • Quibids – Probably the most penny auctions for a playstation of the sites online
  • Beezid – is competitive with their PS3 being offered in a bundle at a price average of $10.00.
  • BidRivals – A healthy selection of PS3 consoles up for bid on a regular schedule

The other sites we checked were not adequate enough to promote for PlayStation 3 sales.

I did research to find a top trusted penny auction with PS3 availability.  The pickings were slimmer than I thought they would be but I was satisfied to know that Nailbidder came through as the best penny auction site to win a PS3.  I was also happy that Beezid gave the opportunity to win a PlayStation 3 in a bundle package. I was also able to win Madden 12 on Beezid and they give you the choice of what type of system you want it for. I chose the PS3 because my buddies have them and I want to kick his ass old school techmo bowl style, of course I may need the wii for that.

This page contains information on the best penny auctions to win video gaming systems at.  If you would like more information on how penny auctions work check out the link!

Try your hand at any of the suggested sites above and good luck trying to win a video game console in one of these penny auctions!

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