penny auctions beezidBeezid is a large penny auction site, and large penny auction sites have their own strategies, tips and techniques to help you win more, lose less and maximize your chances for success. This page incorporates an overall penny auction strategy and lists specific tips to win at beezid which is one of the best penny auction sites to win a TV. Winning Strategy & Tips

Guess What? – There is a Beezid Stats Tool called BeezidPro that gives you high level intelligence on the other bidders (including their historic data) as well as data about the item up for auction including historical closing prices of the item and any trends you might can exploit. Plus, it gives you current auction intelligence as well including total of bids spent, by who and how they are bidding. It’s awesome.

  • Choose an intimidating name. This is a general strategy for penny auction sites but it is so important we list it here first. If you sign up for our SkoreIt! MasterClass via email I will list the three specific things your name should do to give you the best chance of winning
  • Study past auctions for products you are interested in. Find out specifically bidder names on the win list and who show up on the loser list (you know, the list of people who were unlucky enough to be caught in the last 10 bids and have their name plastered there for everyone else to see
  • Use the autobeezid to bid – the auto bidding abilities win, hands down – have one ‘pre-programmed’ in and ready to activate when conditions are in your favor
  • Use the sniper to it’s fullest extent with the idea to keep the auction going long enough to make it to where you join in with your autobeezid
  • Work to not ever have your name show up in the loser column of one of the last few bidders who lost.
  • Maintain a low profile and only bidding strongly if you get involved. Do not be the guy who throws a few randon bids here, a few random bids there and hopes to get lucky. Beezid will not work that way trust me. They are big enough that there are always bidders waiting in the wings that will pop out UNLESS you aggressively bid on an auction and your name or reputation intimidates them enough not to get involved.
  • To find the past auctions on Beezid, just open up a current auction and click the ‘recently sold for’ tab beneath the item picture. You can scroll through past auctions gathering intel
  • Learn the general auction schedule you can expect each day at Beezid and watch the auctions of items you are interested in
  • Bid aggressively when you get involved – refer to the emailed Skoreit Masterclass for specific conditions that tell you whether an auction is more favorable or not
  • Use the autobeezid bidding tool almost exclusively – auto bidders win, single bidders sin
  • Learn the habits of bidders who are interested in items that you are looking to win
  • Maintain patience. There is no rush to get in there and start burning your bids. Pick your spots and strategically bid to win
  • Invest in BeezidPro. This is for the serious Beezid bidders and those smart enough to look for winning beezid strategies and tips. This beezid bidding tool (it’s a stats tool, not an actually tool that bids) will give you the knowledge to best choose WHEN and WHO to bid against, which is super important.
  • If you have been losing at beezid, try ONLY using the autobeezid bidder and never single bidding
  • Find a less competitive site assuming you are not looking for items exclusive to Beezid (and Beezid does have an awesome selection of products), they are “>one of the most popular penny auction sites.

Understanding the Beezid Sniper

It is important to determine who has snipers set. As you know, Beezid offers two types of auto bidding features. They offer their autobeezid which bids at the top of the auction count down (essentially an anytime bidder) and the bid sniper which is designed to bid at the last second possible. You only get to use 20 sniper bids per auction so you need to use them cautiously! You also need to try and distinguish who is using the sniper and keep a count of how many they have used.

To determine if someone is using a sniper bid or not it is really a calculated guessing game. Watch for the last second bidders who consistently bid a few times at 1 second left. This bidder is most likely using their sniper bids. It may be time to hammer down and try to win this auction as quickly as possible if you are only batting a sniper. Try to get the auction over as quick as possible so no other bidders join in. Strategy Articles – How to Win at Beezid

We have a growing list of penny auction strategies, articles and promotions that you can read through. I also recommend the Skoreit! MasterClass as it contains secrets to winning that I am not going to publish on this website but only provide to the MasterClass subscribers. Finally, I found a pretty good strategy guide called bidding warfare that understands that penny auctions are a competitive game and treats them as battles. I like that. If you are pondering joining Beezid, read our review of beezid and take advantage of the latest promo codes for beezid free bids.

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